
NUCS – Bees for sale – Nucleus Colonies for 2021

2021 – Orders for Harmony Hollow nucleus colonies (NUC) are NOW being accepted for spring (May) 2021 delivery.

NUCs are a “starter” colony that include a mated and egg-laying queen of known Italian genetics, several frames of eggs/larvae/brood, at least one frame of resources (nectar/honey/pollen) and a frame with foundation for the bees to draw […]

2025 Honeybee Removal Information

Rex Smith’s Honeybee Removal – 2025


*** As of January 2024 – Rex Smith / Harmony Hollow will no longer be performing structural removals of honeybees ***

I am referring people to the following resources for bee removals:

Ft Worth area – Richard Siegrist – – 214-864-0695

Dallas Area: Ryan Giesecke – Honeybee […]

Brianna’s Bees – Swarm Catch from 2014 (video in link)

It’s been a while, however I found this gem of a video in the vault – that never got published. A swarm arrived at this young lady’s home the night before.

Brianna was excited to learn about the bees, and had never experienced a swarm like this – she insisted on bravely scooping the bees […]

SS Minnow – Boat Bees (video in link)

Bees have been in this boat for at least 2 years, according to the comb color, texture, etc. The comb wound up being quite a challenge to remove, as the fuel lines, steering cables, electrical lines, and more were all running through the rear space of this boat. The bees, however had a very good […]

Stargate Bees – Downed Tree Limb

This property houses a Stargate portal to an inter-dimensional bee hive located in a tree limb that fell from it’s host tree last summer.

The rotted section of limb fooled me at first (as this WAS performed on April 1 !) – and the bees were ABOVE the knothole, instead of below it.

The queen […]

Poetic License – or Sacred Spirals – Soffit Removal

Bees moved into a home in Poetry, Texas at least three years ago. The homeowner loves bees, and really does not have a problem with them being here – however when it was time to hire a contractor to do some routine maintenance and upgrades – the bees needed to go – so that progress […]

Valentines Eve – Joist Space Removal

The homeowners had purchased this home last year, right about the time I’d estimate that the bees moved in (based on the comb color and condition), however the home itself tells a story about bees occupying the space in years past – based on the residue and remnants from wax moth in the space.

During […]

Strange Archetecture

This porch had a gap between the door, and the outer porch space/roof line. It made for a strange balancing act while performing this removal.

Once I figured out my footing – it wasn’t bad at all. The bees were accessed and removed – and the homeowner opted to perform his own repairs afterwards.


Brownsboro… by way of Ben Wheeler

An out-of-town military serviceman had been stationed on the east coast – and while renovations are being done to his Texas home – it was decided that it was TIME to take out the honeybees, so that other repairs could proceed.

He mentioned to me that he knew the bees had been there a while […]

Been there a little longer than anticipated….

One of the first questions I ask of a homeowner with bees is: “How long have they been there?”. Many times, the answer will be “I’m really not sure – maybe from last year or early this spring”. And occasionally I’ll hear “They just moved in this week – come get them NOW! It’s an […]