
2025 Honeybee Removal Information

Rex Smith’s Honeybee Removal – 2025


*** As of January 2024 – Rex Smith / Harmony Hollow will no longer be performing structural removals of honeybees ***

I am referring people to the following resources for bee removals:

Ft Worth area – Richard Siegrist – – 214-864-0695

Dallas Area: Ryan Giesecke – Honeybee […]

Shed Bees – Carrollton

The homeowner noticed bees entering and exiting from the shed in the back yard the week before. Since we were still several weeks prior to our swarm season – I suspected the bees * may * have been there a bit longer than the homeowner was aware of.

A nice queen was found, the bees […]

Lions and Tigers and Bees, Oh My!

Honeybees have lived in the roof space of this breezeway between the house and garage for at LEAST the last 8 years (since the homeowners bought the house – and for years before they bought it). This property is located in Wylie, Texas, and was hit hard by the hail storms earlier this spring. When […]

Warming up

I know that we’ll have a few more cold spats before spring is *really* here – but here’s today’s update from the bee-yard.

After our freezes over the holidays. The 2 youngest nucs (which were rescues) did not survive the cold. The other nucs that were started earlier in the fall – doing fantastic! It […]

December Honeybee Rescue

Another late-in-the-year honeybee rescue/removal performed yesterday – just as the rains and cooler weather came through. The NTTA needed the bees removed from an irrigation valve box near the Addison Airport toll tunnel.

They had called an exterminator that uses “Bees” in part of their company their name to imply that they are beekeepers. They […]

Winter Removals – Why *not* to do them

I’m often asked by a homeowner to perform a honeybee removal in the winter. My removals are “live” removals – and I do not kill the honeybees to remove them.

Education about aspects of the honeybee’s lives is essential to let homeowners know why I generally choose to NOT remove bees from someone’s home, tree, […]

Plug on Podcast – BKCorner

I wanted to send a special shout-out and thank you to Kevin Inglin of Beekeeper’s Corner. Kevin noted this blog (and Harmony Hollow Apiaries) in Episode 31 of his podcast BKCorner. He also has a Facebook page HERE.

I have yet to build the hive-stand of Kevin’s design – however, I do plan on doing […]