
2025 Honeybee Removal Information

Rex Smith’s Honeybee Removal – 2025


*** As of January 2024 – Rex Smith / Harmony Hollow will no longer be performing structural removals of honeybees ***

I am referring people to the following resources for bee removals:

Ft Worth area – Richard Siegrist – – 214-864-0695

Dallas Area: Ryan Giesecke – Honeybee […]

More Soffit Bees!

This colony of bees was very docile – I probably could have done the whole removal without a bee suit – but I always suit up – just in case one rogue wants to tag me.

A view from within the house while removing the comb. There was NO sign of a laying queen in […]

Valve Box Removal – No Smoker – a bit of attitude

When performing removals – we don’t always get to pick the ideal conditions. Environmental factors play a big role in the behavior of a hive.

When it’s windy, overcast, humid, etc, etc… there are more bees at home than usual – and are in defense mode instead of out foraging.

After 2-3 days of rain […]

Shed Bees – Carrollton

The homeowner noticed bees entering and exiting from the shed in the back yard the week before. Since we were still several weeks prior to our swarm season – I suspected the bees * may * have been there a bit longer than the homeowner was aware of.

A nice queen was found, the bees […]

Second Story Soffit Bee Removal – Dallas

These bees have been in the soffit for a while. The homeowner bought the house recently, and needs to do some work – that the bees were preventing.

After a successful removal – the bees were re-homed to a Harmony Hollow Apiary outyard – and are doing well.


Bee colony removal from downed tree on golf course

This bee removal was from a tree that had fallen in a golf course in a storm last week.

If you like chainsaws.. look at the video. I love making the sawdust fly. 😉

The rest of the tree was already cleared away – but the course maintenance crew wanted to make sure the colony […]

Valentines Eve – Joist Space Removal

The homeowners had purchased this home last year, right about the time I’d estimate that the bees moved in (based on the comb color and condition), however the home itself tells a story about bees occupying the space in years past – based on the residue and remnants from wax moth in the space.

During […]

Tawakoni Water Meter Bees

This homeowner had bees move into the water meter last year. Concerned for the safety of the water meter readers – he called to have the bees removed.

This was 2 weeks ago, and I am happy to report that the bees are doing well after their removal from the water meter, and are […]

Royal Bees….

Royalty? No… These bees were highly aggressive when it was time to remove them from their home. At the peak of a 2nd floor soffit – protected from the sun by a high tree canopy.

The comb went about 2 feet over the living space of the house – as well as over […]

“What if I just leave the bees in my house?”

(note: Click photos for larger view)

I often am asked : What will happen if I just leave the bees”, or “What if we wait?”.

The following pics are a graphic example of one possible scenario that can (and does) occur.

Scene: In October of 2015, the homeowner observed bees swarming, and moving into a […]