These hive stands are strong, hold the hives to a proper height for easy inspections – and are quick to make with simple tools.
Most of the ones I make are 8′ long – and hold 4 hives easily – or 5 that are pretty tight. So I use 2 stands for most be yards – to hold up to 8(ish) colonies. For yards that only have 6 hives, I’ll use an 8′ and a 4′ hive stand.
The ingredients list for these stands are minimal. (2) 8′ (or 10′) 2×6 (or 2×8 or 2×10) Pressure treated pieces of lumber. Another cut to 14″ lengths as spacers… and an 8′ landscape timber cut to 20-inch lengths for the legs.
I * DO * paint the bottoms of the legs with a good exterior “oops” paint from the big box stores – to slow down any rot from ground contact.
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