
2025 Honeybee Removal Information

Rex Smith’s Honeybee Removal – 2025


*** As of January 2024 – Rex Smith / Harmony Hollow will no longer be performing structural removals of honeybees ***

I am referring people to the following resources for bee removals:

Ft Worth area – Richard Siegrist – – 214-864-0695

Dallas Area: Ryan Giesecke – Honeybee […]

SS Minnow – Boat Bees (video in link)

Bees have been in this boat for at least 2 years, according to the comb color, texture, etc. The comb wound up being quite a challenge to remove, as the fuel lines, steering cables, electrical lines, and more were all running through the rear space of this boat. The bees, however had a very good […]

Golf Course – New Hazard in the Rough! (Video in link!)

The City of Allen owns a golf course – and it was reported by a patron that honeybees were in a knothole of a tree on the 14th hole.

The facilities manager was concerned both for the safety of their customers (the public) as well as having a humane and live removal of the honeybees […]

Valentines Eve – Joist Space Removal

The homeowners had purchased this home last year, right about the time I’d estimate that the bees moved in (based on the comb color and condition), however the home itself tells a story about bees occupying the space in years past – based on the residue and remnants from wax moth in the space.

During […]

Needing a new roof!

Hail from storms this spring has prompted many homeowners to need new shingles put onto their roofs. Unfortunately, when bees occupy space in the soffits, the work crews cannot work to hammer the new shingles into place – as the bees become just a bit perturbed at the violation of their vibrational space by hammers.


Strange Archetecture

This porch had a gap between the door, and the outer porch space/roof line. It made for a strange balancing act while performing this removal.

Once I figured out my footing – it wasn’t bad at all. The bees were accessed and removed – and the homeowner opted to perform his own repairs afterwards.


These bees are high!

High in the air, that is!

From the looks of the comb, these bees have been here for about a year – though there was not a LOT of comb, it was a good tan/brown color – indicating it had been here at least through several seasons.

The comb and bees were […]

Bees Evicted From Home After Unpaid Rent Due!

This rental home in Dallas had an occupant who was had failed to pay the landlord rent to live in the space. So, the eviction process was started!

Once the soffit was opened, It was apparent the bees had been here from a late fall swarm from the year prior. The bees were […]

Royal Bees….

Royalty? No… These bees were highly aggressive when it was time to remove them from their home. At the peak of a 2nd floor soffit – protected from the sun by a high tree canopy.

The comb went about 2 feet over the living space of the house – as well as over […]

Another Brick In the Wall

Luckily, these bees have only been in this home for about 2 months. The homeowner was trying to do yard work – and was getting tagged occasionally by bees – so his wife made sure that he called a beekeeper to do a live removal (as opposed to having them exterminated).

They were entering […]