
Prepping your PRO-NUC for use with a feeder

If you are using a pro-nuc for raising bees, whether you have captured a swarm, or simply making splits – you will want options for feeding the bees when there is no nectar flow.

In the video below, I show two methods of opening the holes for an external hive (or NUC) top feeder.   Another option is to use an internal feeder – however those take up the space of 2-frames, so they do not allow a full buildup of comb onto all 5 frames of a NUC.

With an external feeder, the bees will have all frames available to them for drawing out wax.

Methods for opening the feeder slats:

  • Multi-tool (oscillating vibrating tool) that quickly slices through the plastic ridges
  • Box Knife Blade

As shown in the video, Jason Smith of JC’s HoneyBees uses the oscillating multi-tool.  I do not own this type of tool, so I opted to heat up a box-knife blade, and slice through like a hot knife through butter.



NUCS – Bees for sale – Nucleus Colonies for 2021

2021 – Orders for Harmony Hollow nucleus colonies (NUC) are NOW being accepted for spring (May) 2021 delivery.

NUCs are a “starter” colony that include a mated and egg-laying queen of known Italian genetics, several frames of eggs/larvae/brood, at least one frame of resources (nectar/honey/pollen) and a frame with foundation for the bees to draw fresh comb onto.

NUCs are $225ea for the 2021 season.  (Cash payment price).   These bees will be provided in either a corrugated plastic EZNuc box or a Pro-Nuc box – ready to transfer to your permanent woodenware.  They should be ready in early to mid May – 2021.

Terms:  Cash only.  $200 cash due at pickup or delivery per NUC.

NUC: $225 ($125 deposit + $100 balance at pickup)
Marked Queen: +$20
1-Gallon Pro Frame Feeder: +$15


CALL TO ORDER – 469-251-2BEE (2233)

NOTE: Pickup of colonies is by scheduled appointment at:

  • Locust Grove Sanctuary in Farmersville, Texas
  • Wolfsong Farm near Forney, Texas
  • If reasonable distance – we can arrange for delivery (2 nuc minimum) – and I can install into your readied woodenware – for a $50 delivery fee.   MANY customers chose this option.   In all cases – purchase and pickup/delivery needs to be personally scheduled.
  • All customers will be contacted to communicate availability and when pickup dates and times will be scheduled.  When you place your order, we will need a valid email address and a phone number for communications.

Care for your NUC:

After purchase, you will need to carefully move the frames of bees to your prepared woodenware for them.  This can be 8-frame or 10-frame boxes.  The safest way is to pick one of the outside edge frames that is either empty, or has the nectar/resources on it to remove and place first.  Then the other frames can be pulled away separately and placed into their full size hive body.  Watch each frame closely for the queen, and the brood frames for freshly laid eggs as well as various stages of larvae and capped brood.

It is highly suggested that you also have a feeder available for the bees.  Internal frame feeders, or a feeder that sits on top of the brood box for the bees to access from inside will reduce robbing from other hives or colonies in the area, and will encourage the bees to draw wax on the additional frames in your hive and maximize the population (and their hone/food stores) before entering the next winter.  Reduce the entrance down to an inch or so to further reduce any robbing activity from feeding your bees.  Sometimes placing a robber-screen or some blockade in front to the entrance will discourage robbing activity.

Varroa Mite management information HERE.  I treat all hives for for Varroa before making the NUCs with 1 oxalic acid vapor treatment.  Please research methods for varroa management – and use a method that works for you.   My link above is NOT a comprehensive list of ways to manage or eliminate varroa.

Note:  This is a livestock/NUC hive purchase only – and does not include classes, “mentoring”, maintenance, or on-site consultation on how to manage or care for honeybees.

Bulk Purchases and hive hardware and installation can also be arranged.

Contact Rex Smith at 469-251-2BEE (2233) if you are interested in leasing or purchasing full hives to qualify for Texas Ag 1-D-1 valuation to reduce property taxes.    See THIS PAGE FOR 1-D-1 AG VALUATION WITH HONEYBEES.

Honeybee Removal – Forced Abscond from a Tree

These honeybees have been in the cavity of this tree for a few years.  The removal was very straightforward – and went fairly quickly.  Alltogether, bout 2-1/2 to 3 hours.

Honeybee removal from a tree. The tree is aged, and has some sizeable cavities within. Bees moved in at least a year ago (the comb I saw indicates longer). This type of scenario leaves (2) options for a live removal. (a) Trapout or (b) Forced abscond. The forced abscond was the right (and quick) choice for this tree.

And secondly: Forced absconds should be done in a slower manner than I did this one. Things I SHOULD have done: (a) – Go through the big cluster of bees that emerged, and FIND THE QUEEN – instead of vacuuming them all. (b) Don’t vacuum the emerging cluster Sometimes that’s the right tool – but honestly – this time – it wasn’t – and I could have taken it more slowly.

Once moved to a hive box in the evening – the bees decided to combine with another small NUC of bees in the box next to them. I probably injured or killed the queen through the vacuum process. Unfortunately, it happens – and was preventable.  I own my mistakes, and hopefully learn from then and adjust my future actions from them.


Ag Valuation with Honeybees

Agricultural Valuation – aka “Ag Exemption” – with Honey Bees

Do you own 5 to 20 acres? Are you interested in saving hundreds, maybe even thousands on your property taxes each year (especially by preventing rollback taxes!)  ?     Are you a land developer that has properties that need to maintain Ag Valuation until building can begin – years down the road?

If so, having honey bees can help you qualify. We perform agriculture maintenance with our hives to land owners for a reasonable management fee. We do everything to manage and maintain the bees, and once qualified, you reap the rewards that ag-valuation provides for your property for the use of your land.

Have our Honey Bee hives to qualify for an Ag Valuation and leave the Beekeeping to Harmony Hollow Apiary.  Call Rex at 469-251-2BEE (2233) for more information and pricing.

May 2024 – we are adding new customers on an as-available basis – to continue (or start) your ag history for 2024.   New commitment requests will be quoted and filled as livestock are available. (Do NOT Wait til April to ask about hives – it takes time to build up the livestock for each colony).   Requests in late March and April will be filled as available.    State LATE deadline for 1-D-1 paperwork is April 30.

Texas law, effective January 1, 2012, made it possible for beekeeping to qualify for an Agricultural Valuation (commonly called “ag exemption” – see below) on property taxes. This is covered in the Tax Code under Chapter 23, Subchapter D, Sect. 23.51 (1) and (2).

An Agriculture Exemption is not actually an Exemption but rather a Special Valuation. If a portion or all of a property is deemed eligible to receive an Agricultural Valuation, that property will receive a Production Value along with its Market Value. The tax savings that a property receives depends on the current Market Value of the property and what type of Ag Valuation you are requesting. For example, Native Pasture areas may have a lower Ag valuation than Dry Crop areas and generally both are considerably lower than the market value that the taxes would normally be based on.  That is dependent on county.  (Some counties do not differentiate they type of agriculture activity, and have 1 rate for ag no matter the qualifying activity.  Other counties have different rates for different activities)

There are several key phrases and requirements to this law. Sect. 23.51 (1) covers the definition of “qualified open-space land”. Specifics state land that has an established agricultural use history for five of the preceding seven years. Record keeping is critical. Registration and permitting with Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS) helps establish this history. Wording of the law states agricultural use to the degree of intensity generally accepted in the area. Each local appraisal district sets their own standards as the accepted degree of intensity.  Most appraisal districts use a minimum of six colonies (beehives) as a standard. That is the accepted definition of an apiary from Texas bee law under the Agriculture Code, Title 6, subtitle A, Chapter 131, Sect. 131.001 (2).  (Which has just changed as of the 2023 Texas Legislative session- as they removed the number of hives definition).

Size of qualifying acreage is not less than 5 or more than 20 acres. Remember the definition of agriculture use. Losing an acre to a homestead exemption has to be accounted for on acreage. (check with your appraisal district to be sure, though -as I have heard of counties allowing the full acreage without removing an acre for the home)

Also, realize the landowner does not have to own the bees. You may hire the maintenance of bees from a beekeeper who owns the hives.    Again, keep accurate and complete records. The wording of the law states “the use of land to raise or keep bees for pollination or for the production of human food or other tangible products having a commercial value.”

Lastly, it is important to stress the fact that each local appraisal district can set their own standards and requirements for the beekeeping valuation. Please contact your local appraisal district for guidance and minimum requirements.   Some counties may want to see a copy of a bee maintenance agreement or land access agreement as part of your documentation before coming to evaluate your property for ag valuation.  Some require a special report be submitted annually.    Most county appraisal districts now have this information available on the county appraisal district website.

Benefits include:

  • Professional management and maintenance of beehives on your property
  • Annual Beekeeper Registration through the Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS)
  • Pollination for your property
    Contributing to the welfare of the honeybees
  • Annual Report listing harvested (and non-harvested if applicable) tangible products with commercial value.
  • Qualifying requirements for Harmony Hollow Apiary management include:

The site must be suitable for bees and provide the necessary elements for bees to thrive. A complimentary site visit will be scheduled for prospective clients.  A Honeybee Management Plan is included – and lists expectations of flowering plants that the landowner should seed or plant – for the benefit of honeybees and ALL other native pollinators.

Harmony Hollow Apiary must have unrestricted access to the location of the hives at all times.  (For locked properties – I can/will provide a lock to add to your chain of locks on a gate – or you can provide me with a gate code)

A 2-wheel drive vehicle must be able to access the area where the hives are located and park no further than 10 yards from the hives’ location.

Harmony Hollow Apiary reserves the rights of ownership to the bees, the equipment, and the products of the hives.

Honeybee Management Plan

Apiary Registration: As of 1 Sept 2023, Texas Apiary Inspection Service will no longer process “Apiary Registrations” – that has been changed in the last legislative session to “Beekeeper Registration”. The property owner can register as “the beekeeper”, or the beekeeper (if hired) can register as “the beekeeper” for the property. I personally register annually – and can list your property under my registration. The appraisal district MAY have upcoming guidelines listing who THEY want to see listed (either property owner, or hired beekeeper). That registration is NO LONGER FREE. It is now $35 per year.

For areas where you OWN the hives – You may need to pay the TAIS their fee ( $10) for them to issue a “brand ID number” to you.  (Otherwise – mark the hives or the apiary with an identifying name/contact info – which is perfectly acceptable to law enforcement or TAIS)

For hives that Harmony Hollow Owns – our ID number is marked on the equipment.

Your county appraisal district will have the 1-D-1 Application for you to fill out for ag use of your land.   Note:  Placement and management of hives on your land is NOT a guarantee that the appraisal district will approve ag valuation for your property.

We are based near the Dallas, Texas Metroplex. However, we cover a large portion of North and East Texas. Contact us to reserve bees for your property.

Registered with Texas Apiary Inspection Service, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University.   Copy of past transport permits for Harmony Hollow Apiary are available here: (Note – as of Sept 1 2023 – There are no longer intrastate transport permits issued by TAIS).

I also recommend putting up a sign to warn people about the dangers of agribusiness (farm animals – which includes bees).   Harmony Hollow has signs for locations where we own the bees – and signs are available at a cost of $20ea for locations where the property owner owns the bees)

2024 Honeybee Removal Information

Rex Smith’s Honeybee Removal – 2024


*** As of January 2024 – Rex Smith / Harmony Hollow will no longer be performing structural removals of honeybees ***

I am referring people to the following resources for bee removals:

Ft Worth area –
Richard Siegrist – – 214-864-0695

Dallas Area:
Ryan Giesecke – Honeybee Relocation Services 214-577-9562

McKinney Area:
Pat Kelly – Kelly’s Bees Ness – 540-878-8024

Rockwall / Forney Area
Matthew Garza – 972-977-3351

All other areas of Texas:
Texas Assn of Professional Bee Removers ( )



If you are in need of having a honeybee swarm picked up, or a full colony of bees removed from a structure – please see the following links for my contact information:  (These same links are in the top menu bar on this website as well.)

Also please understand that most bee removal specialists are overwhelmed beginning in March with calls.  In peak season I personally receive between 30-40 calls per day – and occasionally do several full removals per day, as well as manage 400+ hives for agriculture contracts.    If I do not answer the phone, I am probably in a hive – so please do leave a message and I will return the call as quickly as possible.

My bee line is 469-251-2BEE (2233) – please DO read the removal information links and FAQ links below, however.

I will ask you (a) How long the bees have been there.  (b) How high from the ground is their entrance.  (c) Your location, and (d) for any photos you can text to me to help assess the structure overall and zoomed in photos of where the bees are entering/exiting.

Removal Information:

Frequently asked questions (and my answers):

YouTube Channel  (Please Subscribe!!)

Facebook Page (Please “Like” the page!!)

Alternatively, feel free to consult the list of other professional bee removers in your county at the link below:

Rex Smith is a member of the Texas Association of Professional Bee Removers    #TxAPBR


2019 – NUCS – Bees for sale **SOLD OUT**

2019 – Harmony Hollow has added nucleus colonies (NUC) to the line of products available.  NUCs are a “starter” colony that include a mated and egg-laying queen of known Italian genetics, several frames of eggs/larvae/brood, at least one frame of resources (nectar/honey/pollen) and a frame with foundation for the bees to draw fresh comb onto.

NUCs are $200ea for the 2019 season.  (Cash payment price).   These bees will be provided in a corrugated plastic EZNuc  box – ready to transfer to your permanent woodenware.  They should be ready last week of April or 1st week in May – 2019.

CALL TO ORDER – 469-251-2BEE (2233)    NOTE:  As of 5/26/2019 – ** SOLD OUT **

Pickup of colonies is by scheduled appointment at:

  • Wolfsong Farm near Forney, Texas
  • Locust Grove Sanctuary in Farmersville, Texas
  • If reasonable distance – we can arrange for delivery (2 nuc minimum) – and I can install into your readied woodenware – for a delivery fee.   MANY Customers chose this option.   In all cases – purchase and pickup/delivery needs to be personally scheduled.
  • All customers will be contacted to communicate availability and when pickup dates and times will be scheduled.

Care for your NUC:

After purchase, you will need to carefully move the frames of bees to your prepared woodenware for them.  This can be 8-frame or 10-frame boxes.  The safest way is to pick one of the outside edge frames that is either empty, or has the nectar/resources on it to remove and place first.  Then the other frames can be pulled away separately and placed into their full size hive body.  Watch each frame closely for the queen, and the brood frames for freshly laid eggs as well as various stages of larvae and capped brood.

It is highly suggested that you also have a feeder available for the bees.  Internal frame feeders, or a feeder that sits on top of the brood box for the bees to access from inside will reduce robbing from other hives or colonies in the area, and will encourage the bees to draw wax on the additional frames in your hive and maximize the population (and their hone/food stores) before entering the next winter.  Reduce the entrance down to an inch or so to further reduce any robbing activity from feeding your bees.  Sometimes placing a robber-screen or some blockade in front to the entrance will discourage robbing activity.

Varroa Mite management information HERE. I will treat all nucs for Varroa with 1 oxalic acid vapor treatment.  Please research methods for varroa management – and use a method that works for you.   My link to the left is NOT a comprehensive list of ways to manage or eliminate varroa.

Note:  This is a livestock/NUC hive purchase only – and does not include classes, “mentoring” or consultation on how to manage or care for honeybees.

Bulk Purchases and hive hardware and installation can also be arranged.  Contact Rex Smith at 469-251-2BEE (2233) if you are interested in leasing or purchasing full hives to qualify for Texas Ag 1-D-1 valuation to reduce property taxes.


Harmony Hollow – Grilled Portobello Mushroom Salad with Greens, Honey Vinaigrette and Roquefort

Grilled Portobello Mushroom Salad with Greens, Honey Vinaigrette and Roquefort


  • 1/3 cup – Harmony Hollow Honey
  • 1/4 cup – balsamic vinegar
  • 3 Tablespoons – soy sauce
  • 2 cloves – garlic, coarsely chopped
  • 1/3 cup – olive oil
  • 4 (3 to 4-inch) – portobello mushrooms, cleaned with stems removed
  • 1/4 cup – bacon, chopped (or 1 ounce cooked bacon bits)
  • 8 cups – mixed baby greens
  • Honey Vinaigrette, recipe follows
  • 1/2 cup – crumbled Roquefort or blue cheese
  • Snipped chives, for garnish


Make marinade: In container of electric blender, blend honey, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and 1/4 cup oil until smooth; set aside. Brush mushrooms on both sides with 1-1/2 Tablespoons oil; place on indoor grill or in preheated nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Cook about 5 minutes, turning occasionally, just until tender. Transfer to non-reactive container, gill sides up. Pour marinade over mushrooms; cover and refrigerate 2 to 4 hours, basting with marinade occasionally. If using raw bacon, sauté bacon until lightly browned. Remove to paper towels to drain; set aside. Drain, then reheat mushrooms 1 to 2 minutes on indoor or outdoor grill, turning once. In large bowl, toss greens with 1/3 cup (or to taste) Honey Vinaigrette. Divide greens equally among four individual serving plates. Halve mushrooms. Prop one half on the other on each salad. Divide cheese and cooked bacon bits among the salads. Sprinkle with chives.

Yield: 4 servings


Harmony Hollow – Honey-Quinoa Breakfast Bake

Honey-Quinoa Breakfast Bake


  • Non-stick cooking spray
  • 1 cup – quinoa , (uncooked)
  • 1 tablespoon – cinnamon
  • 2 cups – mixed frozen berries
  • ½ cup – coarsely chopped nuts
  • 2 – organic eggs
  • 2 cups – 1% organic milk
  • ¼ cup – Harmony Hollow Honey


Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray an 8-by-8-inch baking dish with non-stick spray. In a small bowl, stir together uncooked quinoa with cinnamon, making sure it is coated completely. Pour quinoa over bottom of prepared dish. Scatter the berries and nuts on top of quinoa, making sure to spread evenly. In a small bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Add the milk and honey and whisk together. Pour egg mixture on top of quinoa and fruit. Bake 1 hour or until the breakfast bake only has a small amount of liquid remaining. Serve warm.

Yield: 9 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes


Harmony Hollow – Pumpkin Honey Bread

Pumpkin Honey Bread


  • 1 cup – Harmony Hollow Honey
  • 1/2 cup – butter or margarine, softened
  • 1 can (16 oz.) – solid-pack pumpkin
  • 4 – eggs
  • 4 cups – flour
  • 4 teaspoons – baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons – ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons – ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon – baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon – salt
  • 1 teaspoon – ground nutmeg


In large bowl, cream honey with butter until light and fluffy. Stir in pumpkin. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until thoroughly incorporated. Sift together remaining ingredients. Stir into pumpkin mixture. Divide batter equally between two well-greased 9 x5 x 3-inch loaf pans. Bake at 350°F for 1 hour or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Let loaves cool in pans for 10 minutes; invert pans to remove loaves and allow to finish cooling on racks.
Makes (2) Loaves.


More Soffit Bees!

This colony of bees was very docile – I probably could have done the whole removal without a bee suit – but I always suit up – just in case one rogue wants to tag me.

A view from within the house while removing the comb. There was NO sign of a laying queen in this colony. No eggs, larvae or brood – and very little pollen (protein source) in the comb.

They will likely be combined with a colony that needs more numbers to survive winter. Enjoy the view!