
DIY Protein Patties / DIY Pollen Patties (video in link)

It is early January 2018, and several of the overwintering nucleus colonies (NUC) are needing a protein boost since there has been no blooms for the bees to visit since late fall. Once the queen lays eggs, and the larvae hatch – they need a ready supply of protein for their growth and transformation from […]

Bee colony removal from downed tree on golf course

This bee removal was from a tree that had fallen in a golf course in a storm last week.

If you like chainsaws.. look at the video. I love making the sawdust fly. 😉

The rest of the tree was already cleared away – but the course maintenance crew wanted to make sure the colony […]

Get your honey at the Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness

Harmony Hollow will be a VIP vendor at the 5th Holistic Festival of Life & Wellness on Sunday 25 June 2017, selling honey and more. The event is free to the public – however, if you purchase a VIP pass – many vendors will have special deals available. (Purchase (2) pint-jars of honey, and get […]

Stargate Bees – Downed Tree Limb

This property houses a Stargate portal to an inter-dimensional bee hive located in a tree limb that fell from it’s host tree last summer.

The rotted section of limb fooled me at first (as this WAS performed on April 1 !) – and the bees were ABOVE the knothole, instead of below it.

The queen […]

Another Brick In the Wall

Luckily, these bees have only been in this home for about 2 months. The homeowner was trying to do yard work – and was getting tagged occasionally by bees – so his wife made sure that he called a beekeeper to do a live removal (as opposed to having them exterminated).

They were entering […]

Cliff-side Bees

Bees have lived in this soffit for a short amount of time. The property was being sold, and the new buyers wanted the bees to be removed as a part of their purchase agreement.

While the bees were in a 1st floor soffit – it was a high soffit… and a precarious drop below […]

Bee Season has begun!

Though the “swarm season” may have another week to go before it hits fully (and it WILL after a full week of rain next week) – customers from North Texas are already calling for removals of bees that have established in areas of their homes, trees, and yards.

Yesterday was removal #7 for the 2016 […]

WondSong Movement – JumpSTART – Pollinator Presentation

I have recreated the blog post made by Daisy WindSong for her JumpSTART program for children. A presentation on bees and pollinators was given to the children of a Dallas area homeless shelter. Shared are various forms of passion – whether it be a hobby, exercise, meditation technique, or other activity that is useful in […]

Observation Hive – DIY Beekeeping Project

Earlier this summer I built an observation hive which holds one frame from a Langstroth hive. This hive is a great tool for teaching at events where I speak and interact with the public regarding the importance of our pollinators.

The oak wood as well as the plexi sides and the hardware were all obtained […]

Canadian Bee Removal

These bees MUST be Canadian – because they are so polite! The story told by the comb is that they have been here for about 2 months, and that the queen is a fertile and well-laying queen with a solid brood pattern. Plus they are hard-working bees that are bringing in a good amount of […]