
Grossly Mis-Diagnosed (…or they are NOT Africanized)

I received a call from Texas singer-songwriter Kim Townsend about honeybees that were in her family home just outside of the DFW Metroplex.  She had originally called a hobby beekeeper, who got in DEEP over his head – and he had not even started a removal yet.  Unprepared, he tried to pry up flashing with a pry-bar, without using the proper tools (i.e. smoker at a minimum).  The bees let him know that he was in their territory!  😉

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When the bees came out to meet him – he immediately declared them to be “Africanized” and told her that she needed to call a professional.  I’m glad she did.  When I performed the removal, the bees were docile, and amicable to moving to a new home.


The soffit was opened up, and the comb exposed… I knew they would probably be hiding in the upper-level soffit as well, and suspected some comb would be up there – and I was correct,  There was another 10-12 pieces of brood and honey comb up in the higher portion of the soffit.

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Once the bees were fully removed, the soffit space was filled with insulation, then new soffit boards were put into place, and the seams caulked.

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Kim had been interested in beekeeping – and has had an empty hive – just waiting for the right opportunity.  Though the bees I put in her hive were not from her own home – she could now have a hive of her own to manage and learn from.


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