
Condo Bees

The tenant in this condo has seen bee activity since he moved in last November.  Given the number of holes in the side of the building – I am not surprised at all.  He had a sticky spot on the upstairs wall of his home – which alerted him to the possibility of honeybees in that wall.  The spot on the wall, though – was NO WHERE near the entrance the bees were using.  My laser thermometer could not verify presence of bees in the wall at all…  However, it DID show that warmth was transmitting through the floor – in the joist space between the 1st and 2nd floors – above the entryway of the back porch.

Dscn3007 Dscn3008These bees in the space I opened had only been here for a about a month.  the comb was nice and fresh, pure white, and had a fantastic brood pattern.

Dscn3012 Dscn3014

I found the queen on the 2nd piece of comb that was removed, and she posed nicely for the camera.  😉



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